My son at two
knew nothing of war.
Darth Vader
and Emperor Palpatine
all he knew of evil.
My son at twenty-two
has marched
for #BlackLivesMattter
picketed before the offices
of hard-hearted corporate-college
capitalists denying janitors
jobs and a fair wage.
My son is safe
-- for now.
But with all he knows
he writes songs
that make hearts
ache like his often does
for the sons and daughters
of others.
We all
love our sons
love our daughters
beyond words.
But our photographs?
They're as different
as our tongues.
Copyright 2015
1 comment:
Apakah anda menderita penyakit wasir? Berikut ini kami menjual Obat Ambeien ambeclear herbal dari de nature indonesia. Selain terbuat dari bahan herbal, Obat Wasir Ampuh tersebut juga telah terdaftar dan teruji klinis oleh BPOM RI (Aman dikonsumsi oleh Ibu hamil dan Ibu Menyusui). Dijamin dalam waktu 5-7 hari penyakit wasir atau ambeien yang sedang anda alami dapat diobati secara efektif tanpa menimbulkan efek samping.
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