Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Teen Writing

Teen writers!

I just had my first teen creative writing workshop at the Franklin Public Library (America's first public library!) last night and it was loads of fun! We freewrote and brainstormed about characters and dialogue between girls and their annoying perfectionist parents ... and just got to know one another. There's a lot more to come. If you're in the Franklin, Massachusetts area and between the ages of 14-18, you belong with us every other Tuesday evening.

Above is a great book that gives lots of great tips to serious teen writers. You might want to look for it at your local library, or recommend it to your librarian!

Teens, want a prompt? Today, think of someone who was punished unfairly--at least in your mind. Write about why.

Adults, want a prompt? Think about a day in your past when you were treated unfairly--at work, in a relationship, in the family. Write about how you handled it! Would you do something differently today?

Happy writing!


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